Source Notes

Chapter 13: New Devices for New Deeds

  1. 1. D. D. Buchanan, memo for the record, 16 April 1962.

  2. 2. LOC, Procurement Plan, signed by Kurt Debus, Director, 11 Sept. 1962, p. 2.

  3. 3. DDJ, 1, 7 Nov. 1962; Debus to Brackett, 29 Nov. 1962; LOD, "Crawler/Transporter Proposal Conference Attendees, 17 December 1962" (in Buchanan file).

  4. 4. R. P. Young, Exec. Off., memo for record, 13 Mar. 1963, in NASA History Office; James E. Webb and Robert C. Seamans, Jr., "Statement of the NASA Administrator on Selection of a Contractor for the Crawler-Transporter," 13 May 1963, ibid.; Congress and the Nation, 1945-1964 (Washington: Congressional Quarterly Service, 1965), p. 320.

  5. 5. "Briefing, Crawler-Transporter Procurement," 5 Feb. 1963, copy in Fred Renaud's private papers.

  6. 6. "Decision to Negotiate an Individual Contract under 10 USC 2394 (a) (11)," 5 Dec. 1963; "Determination and Findings for Method of Contracting, Cost-Plus-Incentive Fee... 7 Dec. 1962, both in NASA History Off.

  7. 7. W. Kraft, Admin. Asst., Marion Power Shovel Go., to Theodor A. Poppel, 11 Dec. 1963, pp. 1-4, in Fred Renaud's private papers.

  8. 8. Ibid., pp. 5-6.

  9. 9. Renaud interview, 4 Apr. 1973.

  10. 10. Aviation Week 84 (20 June 1966): 78.

  11. 11. Gramer interview, 19 July 1973.

  12. 12. "Fire Alarm System for Crawler-Transporter," 29 Jan. 1965, in Fred Renaud's private papers.

  13. 13. Gorman to Petrone, 22 Mar. 1965, including a memo of 29 Feb. (sic) 1965, in Fred Renaud's private papers.

  14. 14. "Fire Protection Survey and Recommendations," attachment to letter of C. W. Conway to Ronald Worchester, 16 June 1965; copies in Fred Renaud's private papers.

  15. 15. Spaceport News, 15 Feb. 1968, p. 6.

  16. 16. Unless otherwise cited, the descriptive information in this and the following paragraphs concerning the crawlerway and launch pad A facilities is based on the LC-39 Facilities Handbook, pp. 35-51.

  17. 17. Spaceport News, 19 Sept. 1963, p. 1; 17 Oct. 1963, p. 1; Tabulation of Corps of Engineers Contracts, Sept. 1968; "Summary Project Status Report," 29 Nov. 1963, pp. III-2. IV-3; Technical Progress Report, Second Quarter CY 1965 (TR-194), 30 July 1965, p. 38.

  18. 18. Apollo/Saturn V MILA Facilities Descriptions, report K-V-011, p. 1-26.

  19. 19. Memo, Col. Bagnulo, 3 Feb. 1965.

  20. 20. Hahn interview.

  21. 21. Boylston interview.

  22. 22. Wm. Clearman, Prototype of Service Arm 6, 30 July 1963, on microfilm in Vehicle Servicing and Accessories Sec. of Design Engineering Off., KSC.

  23. 23. "Qualification Test for Cable Retract Sled for Saturn V and Pneumatic Console No. 2," prepared by C. Dyer, Brown Engineering, in Design Engineering Files; photographs in Brad Downs's Design Engineering Files, KSC. The authors are indebted to Mr. Downs for his help in this section.

  24. 24. "Weekly Notes," Haworth, 5 Aug.; Clark, 6 Aug. 1964; Gramer interview, 19 Sept. 1972.

  25. 25. "Weekly Notes," 19 Aug. 1964.

  26. 26. Technical Progress Report Third and Fourth Quarter CY 1964 (TR-159), 5 Mar. 1965, p. 61; "Saturn V Swing Arm Program Problem," an analytical statement, unsigned and undated. This contract was NAS 10-1751.

  27. 27. Rowland interview; R. D. Rowland, Hayes International Corp., to Benson, 25 July 1972.

  28. 28. James W. Dalton and Willard Halcomb, Apollo-Saturn V Test and Systems Engineering Off., to Petrone, 28 Oct. 1964; "Saturn V Swing Arm Program Problem," p. 1.

  29. 29. William L. Clearman, Jr., Chief, Apollo-Saturn V Test and Systems Engineering Off., to Chief, Launch Equipment Support Sec., Procurement Div., "Contract NAS10-1751, Proposed Changes to Incorporate Revised Drawing Lists," 23 Nov. 1966.

  30. 30. James W. Dalton, Apollo-Saturn V Test and Systems Engineering Off., "Minutes of Meeting - Change Review Board - Service Army Contract with International - 17 Sept. 1964," 22 Sept. 1964; Method of Handling Engineering Changes, Contracts NAS10-1751-NAS10-1847.

  31. 31. James W. Dalton to William T. Clearman, "Status of Hayes Service Arm Contract as Result of Sole Source Vendor Items," 2 Dec. 1964.

  32. 32. "Saturn V Swing Arm Program Problem," p. 2.

  33. 33. Kurt H. Debus to L. F. Jeffers, Hayes International Corp., Birmingham, AL, 5 Nov. 1965.

  34. 34. "Saturn V Swing Arm Program Problem," p. 1 ; "Management Inquiry into the Procurement of Service Arms for Launch Complex 39," pp. 42, 43, 62.

  35. 35. "Saturn V Swing Arm Program Problem," p. 1; Gramer interview, 21 Sept. 1972.

  36. 36. Spaceport News, 28 Oct. 1965, p. 3.

  37. 37. Technical Progress Report Third and Fourth Quarter CY 1964 (TR-159), 5 Mar. 1965, p. 61; Procurement Div., "Status Summary of Active Contracts as of 31 Mar. 1964," sec. II, p. 25.

  38. 38. Technical Progress Report Third Quarter CY 1965 (TR-250), 30 Sept. 1965, pp. 3-18.

  39. 39. Saturn V Launch Support Equipment General Criteria and Description (SP-4-37-D), rev. 15 Sept. 1964, Launch Support Equipment Engineering Div., pp. 2-62; Technical Progress Report First Quarter CY 1965, 26 Apr. 1965, p. 46; KSC Procurement Div., "Status Summary of Active Contracts as of 30 Sept. 1966," sec. II, p. 6.

  40. 40. "Apollo Saturn V MILA Facilities Descriptions," pp.2-81, 2-82; "Construction Progress Reports," 1 July 1965, p. 4.

  41. 41. R. T. Cruden and J. R. Ellis, memo for record, "Ordnance Meeting, LC-39 Arming Tower," 25 Mar. 1963; J. R. Ellis, memo for record, "Ordnance Requirements, Arming Tower LC-39," 26 Mar. 1963; W. T. Clearman, Jr., and James H. Deese, "Meeting at Complex 34 Operations Support Building to Discuss Saturn-V Ordnance Installation Problem," 27 Mar. 1963. The authors are indebted to Francis Jarrett for research on this subject, which is covered more fully in Jarrett and Lindemann, "History of the John F. Kennedy Space Center, NASA, to 1965," typescript.

  42. 42. J. R. Ellis, memo for record, "Meeting and Discussions Concerning Arming Tower, LC-39," 9 Apr. 1963; minutes of meeting, "Rust Contract BE-9002, LC-39 Arming Tower, Contract DA-08-123-ENG-(NASA-1752)," 15 Apr. 1963.

  43. 43. Off. of the Canaveral Dist. Engineer, "Report on Restudy of Arming Tower to Resolve Dead Load and Wind Load Problems," 20 Dec. 1963, pp. 1-5.

  44. 44. Ibid.

  45. 45. Vehicle Design Integration Working Group, "Minutes of the Saturn V Common Ordnance Meeting," Huntsville, AL, 10-11 Dec. 1963, pp. 1-4.

  46. 46. "Summary Project Status Report," 17 Apr. 1964, p. lV-3; "Development Summary Schedule, Complex 39, 1963"; Technical Progress Report, Third and Fourth Quarter CY 1964, 5 Mar. 1965, pp. 45, 58; Tabulation of Corps of Engineers Contracts, Sept. 1968; Technical Progress Report, Second Quarter CY 1965, 30 July 1965, p. 38; Technical Progress Report, Third Quarter CY 1965 (TR-250), 30 Sept. 1965, pp. 3-18; LC-39 Facilities Handbook, p. 54.

  47. 47. Technical Progress Report, Third and Fourth Quarter CY 1964 (TR-159), 5 Mar. 1965. p. 45.

  48. 48. Technical Progress Report, First Quarter CY 1965 (TR-168), 26 Apr. 1965, p.33: Technical Progress Report, Second Quarter CY 1965 (TR-194), 30 July 1965, p. 34.

  49. 49. H. D. Brewster and E. G. Hughes, Lightning Protection for Saturn Launch Complex 39, report TR-4-28-2-D, 18 Oct. 1963.

  50. 50. Ibid., app. A.

  51. 51. Ibid., pp. 3-6 through 3-16 and app. A.

  52. 52. Ibid., pp. 2-3, 3-3, 3-4, A-1; A. R. Raffaelli, "Introduction to Lightning," report LOC LT1R-2-DE-62-6, 14 Dec. 1962.

  53. 53. H. D. Brewster to Lightning Protection Committee, "Minutes of the Third Lightning Protection Committee Meeting, 29 Sept. 1965, at KSC," 20 Oct. 1965, KSC Technical Documents Library.

  54. 54. KSC, "Weather Effects on Apollo/Saturn V Operations, Apollo 4 through Apollo 13," report 630-44-001, 27 July 1970.

  55. 55. KSC release 11-66, 21 Jan. 1966.

  56. 56. Building Construction Magazine, Feb. 1966, p. 29.
